Talk Back

Talk Back! Give us your feedback!
Do you have an opinion on our paper, the area, current events? Let us
hear you.
Talk Back
Kimberly Aldrup and Adam Prestegord (07/28/01)
address :
comment : Hello.
Just a note to say how much I appreciate your site. After only
leaving a
year and a half ago, it is nice to be able to see what little is going on
Lodge. (I like to keep updated). Adam and I both live in the
Denver area
now, soon I will be moving to the Atlanta area, so I will be checking in
with the Premiere more often. So Hello to anyone who reads this, (maybe
Mandi B.
we miss you). Thank you for keeping us close to home!!!!
Best regards.
Kimberly Aldrup and Adam Prestegord
Beth (Barnard) Ward (08/19/01)
address :
comment : Dear Kevin and the gang,
I've been reading the letters to the editor online, and then came here and
read some of what was posted. I left Medicine Lodge just a few weeks
ago for a teaching job in Manhattan. So far, I love Manhattan, and
think it's a great town. However, it's not, and never will be, home.
Medicine Lodge is home. I'm proud to be an Indian, proud of the fact
that the neighbors felt comfortable punishing me when I got into trouble
as a kid. There is truly no place on this Earth better for raising a
family than Medicine Lodge. I would still be there if the
opportunity to work in Manhattan while finishing my master's degree at KSU
hadn't presented itself.
Up here there's a lot of talk about changing the name of the school mascot
(Indian) to something more politically correct. I thank God that in
Medicine Lodge people are sensible enough to realize that the name of the
town, state, and school mascots honor our heritage as Indian territory,
rather than being a racial slur. I miss having everyone greet me by
name when I stop for gas at any of the convenience stores or service
stations in town. I miss walking down main street and knowing almost
everyone I see. (I went to school with half of you!) I miss
the feeling of security so present in Medicine Lodge and being able to
leave houses and vehicles unlocked.
I would not want to tell anyone to get out of Medicine Lodge, I would just
hope that those who don't appreciate small town life and the awesome
beauty of the gyp hills will someday realize what a blessing it truly is
to be a Medicinian. (Bet you haven't heard that word since you last
looked through an old yearbook!) To all my friends left behind in
Barber County, I miss you, and I'll be home often to visit.
my name: Ron Hawkins (08/10/01)
address :
comment : People. people, people......Please stop!!!
Listen close if someone is reading this to you. Pay attention if you
are reading this yourself...
the word is Medicine Lodge, not Ron Hawkins, or
Steve Etheridge, or, anyone else that might think that they know what is
best for our home town... Let it rest!!!! Any and every where you have
been, or, might go, it won't get any better or any worse...
We have one of the best places in the world to live,
with maybe the exception of Mayberry RFD...
Anyone that knows me knows that I will be one of the
first to stand up and talk when things aren't right...and, I might not
agree with every thing that goes on within our community, but, I can't
stand what I have read in the letters to the editor.....
You might not agree with the way the city council is doing
things... all I have to say is, tough!!! at least they got out there and
are trying to make things better...
They don't do the things like you might do them?
ooh!? ...again, tough!!!
They are doing the best that they know how at the moment....
If you don't like what they are doing, take the time to contact them, let
them know what your thoughts are on any given subject...
Me? I give themn the big " That-a-Boy "
I've said enough. email me or call me if you you don't like what
I've wrote. As always you have the right to your own opinion, as I do.....
Ron Hawkins
myname : Hillary Wheeler (05/30/01)
address :
comment : Hi...I just wanted to tell you guys that you do a great job with
your paper. I only lived in M.L. for a few years when I was younger,
but my family and I always try to make it back every now and again to see
how much things have changed. I have lived in the city and
country--all over Kansas and now I'm in Missouri. No matter how much
more beautiful or appealing each place that I have lived might be, I still
don't forget the time that I spent in M.L. as a child. Keep up the
good work with your paper. :)
myname : Tim McElyea (03/29/01)
address :
comment : Dear Premier:
It's nice to see you on the internet as I grew up in Medicine Lodge
graduated 1967,
and now live and work in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I still have a lot of family there and friends and now I can keep up with
whats going on in good old ML..
Best Regards,
tim McElyea
myname : Dee Dee (Pennock) Greenwalt (04/10/01)
address :
comment : Hi, Kevin! This note is a long time coming! First of
all, thanks for having the paper online. I can't tell you how much I
enjoy sitting at the computer and being able to keep up on what's going on
at home. Now I'd like to address the people who love to complain
about M.L. I live in Ft. Collins, Co. You may have heard of us
a few months ago or saw us on Dateline. Three junior high school
boys were arrested, for planning to "do a Columbine".
Impressive, huh? My husband, Dan, and I know that we don't want to
raise our two children, in a city like this. Never in Medicine would
something so stupid and dangerous happen! Why? The community
is so involved with it's children. I miss that. I have clients
that are school teachers and administrators. I hear what's going on
behind the scenes and it scares me. If you don't like ML and the
close knit community, GET OUT! I'm glad I grew up there and will
always call Medicine Lodge home. Thanks, Kevin, for listening to one
more letter like this. Take Care!
myname : Bill Cheshire (05/21/01)
address :
comment : Why would anyone "whine" about being from M.L.??
Yes, I did my
share..and I made it to Kansas City...but, would give anything to be back
home...There is no place like it..You just can't find the type of people
K.C. that you find in M.L. You don't walk into a drug store and find
Dub Richards...or a Bob Byers to fix your old Raymond Eatons to
greet you and wash your windows...or just go get a good burger at the
stop....there are no real cowboys up Dave Clines or Ott
Beagleys...and there are sure no good beer joints...unless you have more
guns than John Wayne...We have the best of it in Medicine at
51...( and they said I would never see 21)...I am thankful for being
in that "Little Hick Town"..So all you old timers hold your
heads up and be
proud!!!!!! Happy Trails.....
myname : mike lynam (03/11/01)
address :
comment : I have been reading the comments from over a year ago from
people displeased with life in ML. People are bored and can't find
anywhere to shop. People who moved are glad they did. To quote
great contemporary thought, "yadda,yadda,yadda".
I left Medicine Lodge for college 25 years ago. I still live in the
community where I attended college. When I was 18 and left Medicine
Lodge, I probably would have echoed the sentiments of some of those folks.
Fortunately age (I won't risk the word maturity) and life experiences
shape thinking a little differently.
Certainly, had I built a life for myself without ever leaving ML, I
wouldn't have had the opportunities in life I have had. But, had I
not grown up in ML, my experiences would not have been the same. Not
a community like ML, but ML. The values and sense of obligation to
others has stayed with me forever.
Another "MLer", Fred VanRanken is our high school principal.
We were talking one day, and I commented that I had spent my whole life
trying to get out of ML, but now, there is nothing like the feeling of
turning down the Isabel road and knowing you're almost home.
reply from publisher: Nice ones like you are
always welcome home. The rest can stay right where they are at!
myname : kylee colson (02/01/01)
address :
comment : It's so nice to set down at any computer and know what's going
on in ML. I wish there was a little more highschool stuff in the
paper though. IT seems like every week the Papooses take over the
sports section!!! I really do enjoy reading the Premiere when I'm so
far from home.
Thanks so much
myname : Lori Platt (02/22/01)
address :
comment : I thought Open Door Fellowship had changed its name to
Restoration Church? It's still listed as ODF in you directory.
I enjoy reading and keeping up on the issues in ML! Thanks for the good
reply from publisher: Sorry.. I
updated that after receiving your message. Too much to do, too little
myname : Robyn (01/31/01)_
address :
comment : Hello from Wyoming,
Always have enjoyed your paper whether staying at my Grandparents house
and reading it or reading it on the net. Keep up the good work and
you've hired one of the best! Congrats, Con!
myname : Heide and Dirk Maars (12/29/00)
address :
comment : We wish everybody in and around mdicine lodge all the best for
the year 2001.
especially the angle family.
Heide and Dirk Maars,
myname : Jennifer (Probst) Voth (12/20/00)
address :
comment : Kevin,
Today was the first time I read through "TALK BACK." I
feel bad for those that took the time to write such lenghthy negative
comments about small town living and especially M.L. I may be
somewhat partial due to the fact that I was born there and lived in the
area most of my life.
I moved to Lawrence from M.L. two years ago. It was wonderful to
have shopping centers just down the street, 24 hour grocery stores, and
Chinese food delivered @ 9PM!!! It was wonderful until Emilie came
home one day from third grade and told me that a fourth grade boy had gone
home from school the day before and hung himself. 10 years old!
We moved just a few months later to my husband's hometown...Buhler.
It is so nice to have peace again. We can sleep with the door
unlocked, don't hear sirens all night long, and don't have wild parties
going on next door. Mr. Arbuckle just has roosters.
Small town values are priceless. I know that every town has it's
drawbacks but I agree; you do get out of it what you put in. If you
are not involved in the community to make it a better place then don't
complain. Simple as that.
God bless you all. Happy Holidays.
P.S. Kevin-We are starting home schooling next month so let us know
via Undersheriff Dad when would be the best time for the kids to get
together. Our schedule will be more flexible.
myname : Bob Tavares (10/05/00)
address :
comment : Great job folks..Paper is very well presented and interesting.
I especially enjoyed the special Peace Treaty edition.
Special thanks to Joyce (Great Copy Editor) and to Kevin family .
Bob Tavares
Executive Producer
Video Expressions
Special Interest Videos
Media Transfers
Video Albums
Riverside, RI
Tel : (401) 433-1008
FAX: (401) 679-0043
myname : Anne Carrigan (09/26/00)
address :
comment : Thank you for publishing that special Peace Treaty edition.
I don't subscribe, but was glad to pay to get that particular one.
It's been over 50 years since I've been to the Peace Treaty, but I still
remember the ones I attended way back when.I've been telling people out
here (Calif.) about this pageant, and I don't think they really believed
it. Now I've got the proof that I'm not clear over the hill after
Thanks again.
Anne Carrigan
reply from publisher: You tell those folks in
CA that you aren't crazy. I went to CA 2 years ago and they're the ones
that are crazy!
myname : John Lonker (09/25/00)
address :
comment : Kevin and staff,
It's great to be able to see what's going on in M.L. You guys are doing a
really great job of keeping those of us,who no longer live at "home",informed.
I'm looking forward to reading the 9-26 edition of the Premiere as,
unfortunately, Mary,Ally and I won't be able to attend the Peace Treaty
this year. Hope everyone had a safe and fun Celebration.
Stay in touch. JL
reply from publisher: John! This is a guy I
went to school with for 12 years! It's great hearing from you John. Thanks
for reading!
myname : Paula Willford (09/19/00)
address :
comment : I will be in Medicine Lodge for Peace Treaty. I'd just like to
say you've provided a wealth of information for those of us that will be
attending the events this weekend! Thank you!!
reply from publisher: we hope you had a great
time in ML despite the weather changes! Please come back!!
myname : Matt Simpson (09/06/00)
address :
comment : As a one time resident and agriculture educator at MLHS a couple
of years ago, I was interested in what was going on out there. I was
thrilled to find the news and happenings on-line. Keep up the good
If it had not been for a chance to move home my wife and I certainly would
have made ML home. One more thing, it was great to see info about
the FFA
in the paper, Mr. Stull and the kids are doing an extraordinay job and the
community needs to let them all know how much support their is for them.
thanks again Matt and Miranda Simpson (Emily and Kalen)
reply from publisher: Thank you for visiting
with us Matt. I know a lot of people who will be glad to hear from you and
have your email. Take care and best wishes.
myname : field left blank (07/15/00)
address : field left blank
comment : I understand the need to bag household trash for easy handling
by the city employees, but do they really think that the packer truck will
leave the bags intact for the landfill? The track must rupture
nearly every bag. Also, why must the city employees put tar on so
many streets going the same direction at once leaving it nearly impossible
to navigate without getting tarred. I really don't think the tar is
that effective anyway.
reply from publisher: on the
trash issue, The newspaper has received many complaints about the new
guidelines. In speaking with city officials, I get the feeling that maybe
they will ease up a bit. Time will tell.....
myname : brian ede (05/18/00)
address :
comment : I'm wondering if you readers west of me have noticed all the
editorials and news about the Tobacco settlement money our state recieved.
This is a tremendous amount of money that we will recieve yearly for 25
years. Our state rep told me my idea of using the money to fix the schools
did not interest the boys in Topeka. There were also several other good
ideas of places to spend the dough. They all went on deaf ears also. As it
was the money slipped out of the "Childrens Trust Fund" and was
used by our Gov. to help the budget. Instead of "new money" for
old problems, it was "new money" for new ideas. I'm pretty fed
up with the whole bunch.
You readers or I can write all we want to Topeka. The only thing you will
accomplish is make the postal service another 33 cents. There's got to be
a way for us little guys to group together and be heard. From all levels
we should be able to see where our tax dollars are being spent without
being shown total amounts with no meaning.
I would be happy to recieve mail pro or con on this subject. It's time to
get back to basic living and stop the lip service we have been recieving.
Brian Ede
myname : Shelly Maze (05/14/00)
address :
comment : We live in Ellsworth Kansas and love the fact that we can now
keep up with our family members and friends in Medicine Lodge. Thank
you for the opportunity.
myname : Anne Carrigan (05/02/00)
address :
comment : I keep getting surprised by your paper. Your opinion page,
KWIBS, Meandering and Meggy Byte columns are great. I share them
with a computer literate friend and we both get good laughs as well as
some historical information I'd either never known or forgotten about.
Keep up the good work! Even us transplanted Kansans appreciate it.
(Merced, California)
reply from publisher: Thank you
Anne. You make it worth the work!
myname : Jay Eck (04/20/00)
address :
comment : Gimmie Jo Maze is one of the best writers i have seen in a long
time. As a past writer for a school newspaper, i know how much goes
into a news paper. Her nack for writing should not go unnoticed!
She is a true visionary! She should be commended for all the great
work she does. I know That Gimmie and the whole staff at the Gyp
Hill Premiere must work hard, but I know for a fact the Gimmie is one
tuff, hard working Gal!
reply from publisher: I couldn't
agree more.
myname : Debbie Anthony (05/23/00)
address :
comment : I have enjoyed reading the on-line version of your paper.
I agree with Mr. Eck, Gimmie Jo Maze is a very talented writer. I
also enjoy Meggy Byte. I love to go to the bubble wrap site, thanks for
the address. Keep up the good work.
myname : Arden Reiman (04/24/00)
address :
comment : I have been interested in some of your
letters that critize Medicine Lodge and this
is from the view-point of someone who has
lived here the past 5 plus years. I am a
very much senior person and married a M.L.
widow. Had to move here if I wanted to live
with her. Good choice. I have learned to like
M.L.and enjoy living here. Since I have visited
33 foreign countries, some several times, and
have traveled the US rather extensively, it would
seem that I have a rather broad viewpoint.
MedicineLodge, like every place has its
drawbacks but also many good points. It is
what you make of it.
reply from publisher: Thanks
Arden. You are one of the people that make ML a great place to live.
myname : Melanie Lawrence (04/26/00)
address :
comment : To those people who didn't like ML here is a story I was told
before graduating from high school. There is an old man working at
the gas station. A couple with their children pull up with a moving
van. They ask the old man if they will like it here. He asks
them if they liked the town they left. They said that they
absolutely hated it and are glad they left. He tells them they will
find things pretty much about the same. A few hours later another
couple and their children pull up to the same gas station with a moving
van. They ask the old man if they are going to like living in this
town. Again, the old man asks if they liked their old town.
They say they are really sad that they had to leave that community.
The people were so friendly, and they are really going to miss them.
He old man tells them that they will find things pretty much the same
here. I would suggest getting to know the people and the special
things about the community. The gyp hills are beautiful. The
Peace Treaty is coming up and it is a very special time. My family
was originally from here, and I come back for holidays and special
occasions. Some of the best times I had occured in Sharon.
Your time here is what you make of it. Try getting involved in the
Peace Treaty festivities, then maybe you can begin to feel like you are a
part of the community.
myname : Hilary Gray
address :
comment : I just wanted to say that the Weekly Warp is the coolest thing
that I have ever seen. You should archive old pictures so we don't
have to wait a week for a new dude to smear around :)
reply from publisher: We have
received several requests for that, but I have sworn to all employers that
we would not distract their staffs any further by adding this feature!
They spend too much time playing anyway!
myname : jim emrick (04/07/00)
address :
comment : Congratulations to Medicine Lodge for passing a bond issue! From
one person who was involved covering the previous bond issues that failed,
I believe the voters in Barber County North should be proud that they were
able to come together and make a decision to improve the facilities. The
improvements are long overdue. Be sure to pat each other on the back for a
job well done, but be careful not to sit on your laurels too long there's
still a lot of work to do!
reply from his former
publisher: Always great to hear from you, Jim. Thanks for your support
from the entire community!!!
myname : brian ede (03/30/00)
address :
comment : Pulled up the info on your soon to be voted on bond issue. It
well explained. I think one of the biggest negatives to all the bond
across the state has been distrust for the ones in charge of spending the
money. Wichita talked about appointing a board to oversee the spending.
kind of like being able to pick the shooters for your own firing squad.
I'm beginning to believe that property tax is the wrong avenue for
financing this type of improvement. We are always being asked to sacrifice
little for the issue. Quit a habit, don't go to the show, don't eat out as
much, cut back on something. I wonder if some people feel like I do. I've
worked all my life to finally start getting into a position where I can
enjoy what years I have left, and now I'm asked to cut back. It's not a
matter of not voting for "The Kids", hell we all want the best
available for the younger generation. It's a matter of feasibility.
Our state has a load of dough. It's a matter of defining what the money
be spent for. The lottery has got to have a nice account but I don't think
much of it is spent where it really needs to be. It was new money when it
came in and new places are where the money went. The new tobacco money
be the same way. $1.6 billion bucks. Our State just gave $4.5 million to
schools for internet services out of this account labeled " Childrens
Fund ".Great !!
Just don't forget about the rest of the $$. $4.5 million is about 3 tenths
of 1% of the money coming into this account. Don't let the state humor you
with this litle donation, put you to sleep, and blow the rest.
My state Rep. told me this week he was going to introduce my idea in
to see what his people think. He said it was a good idea and the dough
be used for school improvement.
Sorry to go on and on but I hope you will take interest, especially if
bond issue doen't pass. If it is voted down, get on the band wagon the the
big guys in Topeka and ask for your share.
See ya,
Brian Ede
reply from publisher: A very good
point, but my hopes are that the people of USD#254 will support the
upcoming bond and give a thumbs up to our teaching staffs and
myname : Robbie Roberson (04/08/00)
address :
comment : I've read enough! My family and I have lived other places and
with my job I travel domestically. My yearly trip to ML to hunt is not
enough to remind me of warmest community we have lived in. Look beyond the
sidewalks and get involved in the community. You will find the warmth of
friendship. By the way, a church is great place to start looking. If that
doesn't fit I know the Peace Treaty is always looking for volunteers. Now
that I've said my few words, ML my family and I miss ya'll. We been
somewhere else.
reply from publisher: Thanks
Robbie, but I want this issue to end. This isn't the place to bash a
community or its people. Thank you for your positive outlook and support -
myname : Don't want the town people hating me (03/29/00)
address :
comment : This is a mixture of supporting all of the last few statements.
I think it depends on where you were born and raised as to whether you
find this town great to live in. I personally find this town pretty
boring. I have lived here for almost 6 years and still haven't
gotten used to having to drive miles upon miles to find a decent place to
shop. God knows, you can never find what you are looking for at our
local discount store. As far as being better educated, I could
really argue this point, but won't. I do know that the natives of
Medicine don't take kindly to outsiders having a business here. Look
at what you people did to Jay Jay and Kay Johnson. These were two of
the nicest people I have ever dealt with. Nobody in town wanted to
shop at their grocery because and I overheard some people saying this,
"they are not from here, so they probably won't stick around
long!" But when they marked all their inventory down to
sell-out, most of the town showed up to take advantage of that! I
will say that my family doesn't shop at White's, but rather drive to Alva
to go to the Wal-mart store. I'm not saying that all people here are
snobbish, but a lot of them are. I have never really felt welcome
here. And to say that there are no traffic headaches, well, you
people must never drive around the middle school in the mornings! I
think that someone needs to teach the teenagers how to drive better!
I don't like living in this town, but am stuck here, so I try to make the
most of it. Thank you for letting me vent a little.
reply from publisher: I hate that my "talk
back" page has turned in to this. It is my belief that we all get out
of our community what we put into it. I would argue some of the points you
have made here and folks that you have mentioned. I wasn't born here. I
grew up here. Folks who invest in their community and commit to it will
reap its rewards. Please note that I am considering no more postings from
those who will not leave their names on this issue. (btw... you are
entitled to your opinion and I for one do not hate you for it. :) .....)
myname : Thomas Winter (03/26/00)
address :
comment : I guess the mystery writer didnt read my comment before him.
People always think that small towns dont offer as much in commerce and
convience. That is also the strong point of small towns. That
lack of
makes us bond and gives the small town a certain cohesiveness that cities
cant not match. I have been around the U.S. and to other places.
I havent
lived in Medicine for almost 3 1/2 years. I am counting the days
when I can
finally come back home. Dont be self centered and try to push your
opinons of truly remarkable place that is rich in history and culture just
because it is untapped.
reply from publisher: Thanks
Thomas! I think I blew off some steam....
myname : Leanne Watts (03/27/00)
address :
comment : I'd like to reply to that "no name" person...
Yes, Medicine Lodge is a small city, but there are a lot of
pluses to that! Namely: no traffic headaches, no pollution, a crime rate
that is almost nill, clean fresh air, and lots of people who know you
name. The kids are getting a great education and have many opportunities
to learn and grow.
The town is rich with history and heritage. The Peace Treaty
celebration this year is proof of that, along with Carry Nation and
several politicians that called it home.
The commerce is more diverse than most realize. Yes, there
are a few things that you can't get here, but most of out merchants are
more than willing to special order it for you if need be.
I was born and raised in Dodge City, then spent 18 years in
Wellington. Since moving here almost six years ago I have found that I'd
rather call Medicine Lodge "home" more than anywhere else in the
reply from publisher: Yup, that
person hit a nerve... didn't they??
myname : brian ede (03/25/00)
address :
comment : your latest talk back was someone telling your readers how
stupid they were for staying at home. This is referral of subject matter
only. I have always felt that if one can't put their John Henry on a
letter it probably isn't worth reading. Talk is cheap and there is no
reason for you guys in Medicine to even consider reading the article.
Brian M. Ede
Harper, Kansas former ML resident 1952-1957
reply from publisher: Thanks
Brian. I kind of got a little steamed on that last one....
myname : (03/24/00) no name... of course...
address :
comment : How incredibly bored are you people, anyway??? I used to live in
Medicine Lodge and the best decision I ever made in my life was to move.
Yes, you're probably thinking..."we don't want you here,
anyway"... But if only half of you ever left your big sink hole,
you'd see what the rest of the world is about. No interest? Didn't
think it seems the only mind set you people have is narrow and
reply from publisher: There's
never a dull moment here, so I can't be counted as "bored". As
for getting out in the world, I have visited three other countries in the
past 5 years. I travel to many cities and work with a partner on projects
he oversees in Indonesia. Many people here travel and see the world.
Perhaps it is you that has a mind set of being "stereotypical".
Small town life is a choice, not a "big sink hole". Most of
of us that choose to live here do so because we know what the
"world" is like and find comfort knowing that our children are
safer, better educated and better prepared for the world when they leave.
Get yourself a life... maybe try a small town.
myname : Thomas Winter (03/20/00)
address :
comment : Well hello, Once again I am deployed far away from home.
If it wasnt for this paper I would lose touch with the community and what
everyone is doing. It is fun to watch the community grow and
prosper. Right now I am currently deployed to Hungary in support of
Bosnia and the Balkans region.
SPC Winter
US Army Military Police
reply from publisher: Great to hear from you
again Thomas. Keep up the good work. Medicine Lodge is proud of you!
myname : brian ede (03/14/00)
address :
comment : Thanks for printing the letter. I hope people
over there will take it seriously. This is a
lot of free money that that big boys can blow off in any direction not
meant for children. I'm tired of "Lip Service" . I tired of
consultants, feasibility studies, work shops, planning committees,'s time for the money, all of it, to go to a source it is meant
for. If all the middle men are cut out of this 1.6 billion that is sitting
there, it could help every school district in the state prosper with
This kind of money probably won't come around again. Let's spend it right
Brian M. ede
reply from publisher: Thank you
Brian for bringing this information to our readers!
myname : your former editor, Jim (1/17/00)
address :
comment : Kevin
Just thought I'd drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate
being able to go online and find out what's going on in Medicine Lodge.
Keep up the good work!
reply from Jim's former
publisher: Well, thanks Jim. You have to take a little credit for what
folks see here. We miss you and wish you the best of luck in your new
position as Editor of the Times Sentenal.
myname : feild blank (1/17/00)
address :
comment : just how many harleys do you think we have here in medicine
lodge? it would be cool if they would all get together and start an ABATE?
reply from publisher: hmm... do
you own a harley? I'm 30, going on my 12th year of Harley-Davidson
Ownership. Ride to Live, Live to Ride!
myname : Carol Davis (1/25/00)
address :
comment : Kevin,
Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the e-mail letter that
was in the paper to Ted Turner. I enjoyed it so much I shared it
with those in my office. Since moving here I bring articles in that
have come out of your paper. They now ask if anything funny has
happened in Medicine Lodge so they can read about it.
myname : Dan Bowman (1/25/00)
address :
comment : A little something to ponder from the editor of Scientific
This past August took me to Munich for a viewing of the total solar
eclipse. Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the Kansas State Board of Education
was trying to turn out the lights more permanently. Acting out of a covert
social agenda, it decided that teachers could omit mentioning those
inconvenient ideas, evolution and the big bang.
This is just an embarrassment. And a betrayal of the majority in Kansas,
who I believe know better. At the end of the 20th century, for an
allegedly responsible governing body to endorse ignorance of evolution and
modern cosmology as a more appropriate way to teach science is a grotesque
The reasoning--I gag at calling it that, but carry on--behind this
decision is that evolution and the big bang are just theories, not facts.
As such, other explanations for how life and the universe came to be are
not only equally valid, they're equally scientific. Never mind that
biologists and astrophysicists find overwhelming evidence in support of
these ideas. They must be biased.
Why stop at evolution and cosmology, though? Let's make sure that the
schoolkids of Kansas get a really first- rate education by loosening up
the teaching standards for other so-called scientific ideas that are,
after all, just theories. The atomic theory, for example. The theory of
relativity. Heck, the Copernican theory--do we really know that the
universe doesn't revolve around the earth? It sure looked that way during
the eclipse.
The irony is that so many people are worried about the state of science
education in this country for the wrong reasons. As W. Wayt Gibbs reports
in this issue in "The False Crisis in Science Education,"
although many policymakers are in a dither about poor science teaching
leaving the U.S. uncompetitive, little suggests that American students are
doing badly at all. The real crisis is not that science is being taught
poorly; it's that meddlers in Kansas and elsewhere are stopping science
from being taught, period.
Joking about flat-earthers in Kansas is easy. Ranting about it, easier
still. But I'm calling on educators and anyone else who can to act.
If you are on the admissions board of a college or university anywhere in
this country, please contact the Kansas State Board of Education or the
office of Governor Bill Graves (785-296-3232 or email,
Make it clear that in light of the newly lowered education standards in
Kansas, the qualifications of any students applying from that state in the
future will have to be considered very carefully. Send a clear message to
the parents in Kansas that this bad decision carries consequences for
their children.
If kids in Kansas aren't being taught properly about science, they won't
be able to keep up with children taught competently elsewhere. It's called
survival of the fittest. Maybe the Board of Education needs to learn about
natural selection firsthand.
JOHN RENNIE is editor in chief of Scientific American.
myname : David McElhiney (1/18/00)
address :
comment : Greetings from Dallas Texas!
Not sure if many of you remember me,
but I USED to be a police officer there
known as "LURCH". I found this site while
searching for other papers in Kansas, so I
thought I'd drop in. More information would
be nice, but keep up the good work.
Hope all in Medicine Lodge is good.
Take Care:
from publisher: How could we forget the cop that was so tall that they
almost had to remove the front seat of the patrol car he was driving?
myname : Brian Miller (1/14/2000)
address :
comment : Kevin, I thought I would let you know that your web site saved
me alot of postage when I was in Turkey on Air Force duty for 4 months.
I stayed in a 5 person tent for that time and was able to make it to the
rec. tent down from me when duty allowed. There they had 7 computers
for us to hotmail back home and I would get to visit your site and catch
up on thigs around home. US mail was really snail mail there, it
took an average of 2wks for a letter to get home, 4wk turn-around, the
street cam was great when your far, far from home. Keep up the good
reply from publisher: Thank you Brian. I think
I actually have (had) two readers in Turkey. Now that you are home, our
circulation has dropped to one....
myname : Bill Cheshire (1/12/2000)
address :
comment : This is Great.......Medicine Logde is cyber.. It's so nice to be
able the read the happening over the internet about good ole M.L.....The
paper was always the best, but really that's all we had....the world was
very small and simple and very wholesome...the best place in the world to
grow up....if I ever grow up.....Bill Cheshire
reply from publisher: you said a bad word Bill
"grow up". If we grow up we might stop doing neat things like
putting Medicine Lodge online!
myname : Anne Carrigan
address :
comment : I stumbled across your website last week and just now added it
to my desktop so I can click and read. I'm a Sawyer native but have
relatives in ML. The open letter to Ted Turner was a gem. It
sounds like things are pretty much the same as they were back in the 50's
when I left the area. Keep up the good work. Your website is
one of the best I've found.
reply from publisher: everything is the same
as it was in the 50's except now we have the internet to help us be
sarcastic! Thank you so much for making us a part of your desktop!
myname : blank (1/7/2000)
address :
comment : I noticed the new signs this morning on each corner about No J
turns, No Skateboarding, No Rollerblading, and No Bicycles. This
town is becoming a real No Town. What are the kids in this town
supposed to do to occupy their time? The only thing left for them to
do is get into mischief, and even that is wrong. The only thing I
have to say is I'm glad that I didn't grow up in this town.
reply from publisher: Guess I'll hang up my
myname : gina bryan (11/19/99)
address :
comment : Being Born and raised in Barber County it is wonderful to be
able to keep up with all the happenings in Sharon and Medicine Lodge. My
husband Terry is convinced I am addicted to reading your news! Keep up the
good work.
reply from publisher: Thank you Gina! For our
readers knowledge, Gina has a very famous sister. Her name is Martina
McBride. Her Husband Terry is also famous. Terry and I went to school
together for 12 years and he is my son's hero. Terry works as a security
officer and when we are in Hutchinson, we stop and say hello. He has left
a big impression on my Son Joey. You two are great! Thanks for reading.
myname : JIM IRION
address : JIRION1043@AOL.COM
reply from publisher: The Street Cam was a lot of
fun, but requires a lot of monitoring. The program kept locking up so we
took it down. We'll see what we can do!
myname : Christa Hegstrom (11/11/99)
address :
comment : Nice to see you on the WWW! Now i can stay on top of what is
going on in good ole' ML. Thanks!
reply from publisher: Thank you for stopping by!
Check us out weekly!
myname : Brenda Johnson Voth (11/09/99)
address :
comment : As a former Indian, being born and raised in M.L., I really
enjoy your site. It’s nice being able to find out what is going on there
since I haven’t lived there since 1980. Keep up the good work!
reply from publisher: Thank you for reading and
we're glad you found us!
myname : field empty (10/09/99)
address : field empty
comment : I like reading the news but there isn't enough.
reply from publisher: Subscribe to our hard
copy.. 800-246-7525 :)
myname : Bob Axline (10/10/99)
address :
comment : It’s an excellent site and a great way to keep up with
news. We noticed that the page with Martina McBride’s info. had almost
300,000 hits. That’s pretty amazing!!
reply from publisher: The 300,000 hits you are
seeing started from January of 1997. We didn't get those all in one week!
However, Martina would deserve that many.
myname : PAM GALLAUGHER (10/10/99)
address : BRYCOO@AOL.COM
myname : field empty (10/14/99)
address : field empty
comment : I’d like to know why it is we’re paying for a part-time dog
catcher. Seems to me we have a NO-time dogcatcher! I have called several
times in the recent past only to be told that they are out of town,
can’t be reached, or given a phone number that no one ever answers, let
alone returns the calls for messages left on it’s answering machine.
There seems to be an abundance of big dogs in my neighborhood running
loose and I can never get anything done about it. What good is the leash
law if it’s not going to be enforced?!?
The other half of that job (zoning administrator) doesn’t seem to be
working either... several people have reported that when asking about
requirements for building a structure - set backs and codes - that they
are told to go talk to the local contractors and they can answer them,
that it would take too much time to look them up! And some of the
decisions made have had to be reversed by other city officials because
they were wrong.
I know it’s not a high paying job. But I’d rather have those positions
vacant as to keep paying good money for nothing!
myname : field empty (09/30/99)
address : field empty
comment : There is a real problem at the Middle School in the mornings.
The high school kids dropping off the younger sibling should learn to
drive. They pull up in front of the school and whip right back into
traffic without looking. I have almost been whacked several times there
and every time it has been a high school driver. Maybe we should get these
kids more driving practice before turning them loose on the streets.
myname : Julie Rucker (09/16/99)
address :
comment : Hello everyone at Cyberlodge! I have recently made you my ISP
and have not had any reasone to complain about my service. I have not had
any trouble connecting online as I was wise to get help when I started
Mr. Dennis Angle. Thank you to all the Premiere and Cyberlodge staff
helped me "reconnect". I've always loved this old town, that's
why I'm
still around and that's also why Kevin and staff have been so successful.
just goes to show you that if you believe in your dreams they will come
true! See Ya! J
reply from publisher: It is a pleasure having you
as a customer, Julie!
myname : David Huls (09/04/99)
comment : While doing research on my great grandfather, Ezekiel Huls,
who lived in Medicine Lodge. While in town I read the local newspaper.
When I got back to MO, i found your newspaper on the internet and have
been reading it for the past two years.I especially like reading the
section on meandering.
Sincerely Yours, David Huls
reply from publisher: Bev McCollom will
appreciate that comment. She has written for my Grandfather, my Dad and my
newspaper for more than 25 years.
myname : Michael Penny (8/18/99)
comment : Hey!
I have never really taken the time to look around your sight, but I did,
today. I think it is very well done.
Give yourselves a pat on the back. Job well done.
-Michael Penny
myname : Darin Miller (8/15/99)
comment : Great Web Site! It enables me to keep in touch with Medicine
Lodge and the surrounding community. Thanks.
myname : field empty (08/10/99)
comment : GREAT Site!!! I e-mailed the address to all the former Medicians
in my address look.The response was tremendous. They are passing it on to
all their friends from good old M.L.,from the east coast to the west
coast. Today I was ask for it to be e-mailed to another former
M.L.transplant. Thanks for the great online news. Loved sharing it with my
reply from publisher: Well, thank you. Who are
you? I like to know who is complementing as much as who is complaining!
myname : Jean Marie (Shinkle) Glenn (08/05/99)
comment : Thank You for publishing this on the www. It makes it handy to
keep up with the hometown news that I have not been able to have for many
years. Keep up the good work.
reply from publisher: Thank you for reading. We
will be adding new features to this site. Check back often.
myname : Jerry Sitzlar (08/02/99)
comment : Washington D.C. - Hello, I have just finished reading your
on-line newspaper completely through and did bad things to your coach via
The Weekly Warp. I was recently turned on to your newspaper by a relative
of the editor and being from a small town myself, was interested in how
life still goes on in the real America. Your community sounds wonderful
and every citizen should feel pride in the daily accomplishments of each
and every person. If I could be transported today, I think Medicine Lodge
would be my new home town. I enjoyed every column and article in your
on-line paper and will be a steady reader each week from now on. Thank You
reply from publisher: If you ever need a new
home, we would love to have you! Thank you for reading and commenting.
myname : FORMER MLHS INDIAN (07/21/99)
comment : a former graduate of MLHS I will never vote for the
bond issue as it is. There are many good thinking people in ML, who feel
the same. The distric absorbed Sharon and then sold the school for $l.00.
Ha what a deal. When the people of Barber County decide to combine all
towns Kiowa,Hardtner,Sharon,Sun and Lake City, Isabel and what ever area I
have left out, decide to build a super centeral where all kids can go and
be proud of their school. Have a top notch learning facility, a Band to be
proud of and athaletic department that has more to choose from. Board
members of all Barber County schools please concider the tax advantage of
an all county tax for a consolidated school. With the low enrolment of all
county schools it is shere folly to think of building (a get by with)
school for each town. Bussing a problem? Give me a break we buss half of
the county now. Hardtner and Kiowa buss the other half. So MEET IN THE
myname : Carla Hawkins
comment : Love your online paper. I read it every week and usually also
buy one so I have something to read while waiting for ballgames to start
and such. Keep up the good work!!!
reply from publisher: Thank you Carla! We are
working hard to make our online publication fun and unique in contrast to
our hard copy. We appreciate your reply!
myname : field empty
comment : Thanks for keeping us informed via the WWW. We subscribe to
the paper, but enjoy catching the online coverage of your area.
reply from publisher: Thank you for reading!
my name: field empty
comment: Why do some of the area publications have more detailed
courthouse news than your paper?
reply from publisher: We only cover the material
listed in the Barber County Courthouse news of record that has been filed
and served to the defendants. Many of the other publications in the area
publish this information before it is "public knowledge". We
have researched other avenues of publishing this information, but at the
time, we haven't come up with a cost effective or fair means of bringing
you this news. Remember the "innocent until proven guilty"
saying? We don't want to publish anymore than what is public record and at
the same time cover ourselves from lawsuits. Thanks for your comment.
myname : Ressapea"s Corner
comment : I realy like this addition to the paper. It will let people know
what a great job you are doing!!
Publisher's reply: Melody, you are so sweet! Keep
writing those delicious columns for us. You go, girl!
myname : Kirk Maars
comment : It's nice to follow the medicine lodge news in front of my
computer back home in westzaan holland.We hope to be back in town next
year to be at the peace treaty celebration.
Publisher's reply: You win! So far, you have been
our reader furthest away! Thanks for reading and commenting. *please stop
by the office and pick up your prize! hehe*