Medicine Lodge, Kansas's Locally Owned And Operated Newspaper
Opinion / Religion - January 20, 2025 Part 1: Perhaps We, the People have wised up enough to relearn how important the truth in life is. We obviously need to live life in as much truth as possible to be blessed with life truly abundant. Of late in human history, we have been urged to ignore the truth about more and more things, and led to believe truth doesn’t exist independent of whatever we desire. So, we’re suffering destructive consequences of popular lies, or government enforced or rewarded/protected nonsense. Maybe it was the “boys can be girls and vice versa” that finally woke up the spiritually sleepwalking masses who had no real personal relationship with JESUS, Who Is the evidence and embodiment of Truth. JESUS is the TRUTH making plain that nothing could be created without TRUTH and nothing can be sustained in goodness without TRUTH. We are witnessing the truth of this assertion, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear and minds and heats after LORDGOD’s own HOLY SPIRIT of TRUTH. Without the SPIRIT of JESUS/the SPIRIT of TRUTH, we have no reliable defense against lies dressed up in believable narratives, and our future is bleak, full of destruction and death. Maybe We, the People are once again looking for the truth in the things of life and finding it. We should hope so. More next week. Kiowa Southern |
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